"Making It With Balloons" BLOG
A personal Look At Making Things, Making
Success and Making A Difference
With Balloons
Massaging The Virtual World
I find the virtual world of computers and the internet especially fascinating. And, being a creative sort of guy, I love exploring and then adding my own "twists" and "enhancements" to what I find. Some may call it "editing". Others might name it "digital painting" or "virtual art". I just enjoy massaging images and giving them new expression. I though I would enjoy, and I hope you enjoy, sharing in some of the results and a little of the process as well.
Facebook Balloon Friends
Ingrid Janssens
This is not Ingrid (below). My guess is that it is Ingrid's daughter. The dress made with balloons is Ingrid's work. You may see more images of the model, the dress and of the construction steps at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.340377369345314&type=1 .
When I first saw Ingrid's original picture (left), I liked the dress and the girl. I imagined them, however, in a different setting. There is a bright spot is on her knees. I wanted the light to move up. And, I imagined a simpler and darker background to contrast with the subject and to focus more attention on the girl and the balloon dress. So, I spent some hours shifting the light and changing the background to draw your eyes up to shoulder height and then out to explore her mood and gesture and then on to the texture and craftsmanship of the balloon dress.
You can see the results in the second and larger picture below. I find the finished image absorbing and pleasant to explore. It feels as if I am taking on some of the poise and patience exhibited by Ingrid's young model.
How does the new picture affect you?
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Your Host, Graham Rouse
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