Friday, June 22, 2012


         "Making It With Balloons" BLOG
             A personal Look At Making Things, 
             Making Success and 
             Making A Difference
             With Balloons


Here (below) is another digital painting of one of my facebook friends, 
Manon Dudziak. She is a fine balloon artist and marvelous entertainer from Paris, France. Check out her web site at
or visit her on Facebook at   

My painting is derived from Manon Dudziak's Facebook profile photo of April 9,2010. 

The original photo (to the right) draws attention to the balloon hat with a bright balloon flower that wraps around the hat. 

But, I found Manon's expression more interesting. So, I dropped the flower, simplified the background and refocused the lighting on her face (below).

Now, you really notice her piercing look, soft skin and puckered lips. 

Is she kidding with the camera man, flirting with you or pondering projected memories?

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Thanks for joining us here on 
"Making It With Balloons"  Blog

Your Host,
Graham Rouse

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Copyright Graham Rouse / Rouse Technologies LLC  2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


    "Making It With Balloons" BLOG
       A personal Look At Making Things, 
       Making Success and 
       Making A Difference
       With Balloons


My twin boys got a lot of balloon time in their younger days.  The picture (left) shows them at play with a set of balloon creatures that I designed in modular units so they could be assembled in a variety of ways. They were similar in nature to the "Mr. Potato Heads" that were popular for a while. You could connect the parts and rearrange them to make a lot of different creatures from relatively few elements.

My boys are both fathers themselves now. This picture is one of those I found when I went rummaging to see what interesting things I might send them as a Father's Day greeting (June 17, 2012). 

The grandchildren do not get the same level of balloon play as their fathers except on those infrequent occasions when "Graham Pa" swoops in with a bag of balloons.  Those are fun times.

But, on this Father's Day I was searching for something more universal, a scene that my boys experienced with me that might remind them of scenes they have, or could have, with their children.  I found a scene I really liked.

You can see it to the right.  We were nested together on the living room sofa.  We were settling in after one damaged arm had been patched. One brother had catapulted the other through the air and into some furniture.  The furniture survived nicely, but my son's left arm did not do as well. The hospital trip was not so bad. In fact, we made a little adventure out of it.  But, it was nice to pause together on the sofa afterward to reinforce the bonds tested by the day.  I can see my grown up boys having similar moments with their children.


While the scene was just right, the old snapshot was weak, dirty, a little out of focus and the strong back lighting made it hard to see the three subjects.  I decided to rebuild it as a digital illustration.  It took a few hours, but it was a pleasure to work on it, and it gave me a few hours to reflect on my years as a father and grandfather. The memories were rich and I tried to build that richness into the colors and textures of the image below.

I hope you enjoy the illustration and the memories it may stir in you.

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Thanks for joining us here on "Making It With Balloons"  Blog

Your Host,
Graham Rouse

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Copyright Graham Rouse / Rouse Technologies LLC  2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012


"Making It With Balloons" BLOG       
A personal Look At
Making Things, Making 
Success and
Making A Difference  
With Balloons

Massaging The Virtual World
I find the virtual world of computers and the internet especially fascinating.  And, being a creative sort of guy,  I love exploring and then adding my own "twists" and "enhancements" to what I find.  Some may call it "editing".  Others might name it "digital painting" or "virtual art".  I just enjoy massaging images and giving them new expression.  I though I would enjoy, and I hope you enjoy, sharing in some of the results and a little of the process as well. 

 Facebook Balloon Friends
I thought I would start with images I have created of and about many of my Facebook balloon friends.  Sometimes it is a portrait of a person and some times an image of their work, but always, I have added my own twist, hoping that it will be perceived as an enhancement rather than a detraction.  Let me know what you think with your "comments", "likes", "shares", etc.

Ingrid Janssens  
This is not Ingrid (below). My guess is that it is Ingrid's daughter. The dress made with balloons is Ingrid's work.  You may see more images of the model, the dress and of the construction steps at .

When I first saw Ingrid's original picture (left), I liked the dress and the girl.  I imagined them, however, in a different setting. There is a bright spot is on her knees.  I wanted the light to move up.  And, I imagined a simpler and darker background to contrast with the subject and to focus more attention on the girl and the balloon dress.  So, I spent some hours shifting the light and changing the background to draw your eyes up to shoulder height and then out to explore her mood and gesture and then on to the texture and craftsmanship of the balloon dress.  

You can see the results in the second and larger picture below.  I find the finished image absorbing and pleasant to explore. It feels as if I am taking on some of the poise and patience exhibited by Ingrid's young model. 

How does the new picture affect you?

Thanks for joining us here on "Making It With Balloons"  Blog

Your Host, Graham Rouse
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Copyright Graham Rouse / Rouse Technologies LLC  2011

Sunday, February 5, 2012


     "Making It With Balloons" BLOG
         A personal Look At Making Things, Making
       Success and Making A Difference
         With Balloons


Rapture suggests a feeling of ecstatic joy or delight. When we see someone apparently delighted and totally wrapped up in concentrated focus, we say that he or she is giving their “rapt attention”.  Hopefully, you are among the many who have enjoyed such feelings and focus when engaged with balloons.

Maybe, as a child, you were amazed at this fat kite that flew without wind and bounced upon a string when you pulled.  Maybe you were fascinated by the way the world changed colors when you held that transparent orb close to  your face.  Maybe  you watched with fascination as the cat chased the colors that danced across the floor when the light through the balloons was just right.

Maybe, instead of tears, there was a gleam in your eyes when your balloon escaped and took flight with the winds.  Maybe you imagined how the world looked from up there and how it felt to be free and floating on air.  Maybe you wondered what adventures awaited  your balloon and then imagined that those adventures were your own.  Maybe you tasted that marvelous ecstasy that comes when you are “RAPT With Balloons”.

Early in 1983 I encountered balloons in a way that stirred my imagination and fed me tastes of that rapture which can come from balloons. I discovered that beyond that first wave of pleasure there was a second wave.  I discovered that I could make things with balloons.  They were a delight to see and wonderful for play.  But, more importantly, they were evidence of my productivity.  They gave witness to the fact that I was more than a creäture; I was a creator.

AAaahh!  It is such rapture to know that you are CREATOR as well as CREATURE.  That knowledge and that rapture is the birthright of every human.

Then I discovered a third wave of rapture from balloons.  The things I made with balloons served up tastes of rapture to those around me. They delighted in their encounters with my balloons.  At least for a while, smiles replaced frowns and sparkling eyes replaced dull. Not only was I productive, but I was effective.  I rode the crest of that third wave of rapture as a LEADER showing the way to others.

Then the fourth wave came as those I lead and taught with balloons became leaders and teachers themselves. I came to know the rapture as PARENT, as grandparent, as great grandparent, etc., etc. It is sad to know that ones own time on earth is limited, but it is rapture indeed to know that the seeds of life, of creativity, of productivity, of leadership, and of parenthood are being passed through you to untold generations to come.

Balloons are not the only media for such experiences as I have described here,  but, they are a good one.  I recommend them to you.

Join me here for more of these personal discussions. 

Share your stories, questions and reflections in the "Post A Comment" section below.

Visit Making It With Balloons Network ( for a broader based discussion with a variety of balloon professionals.

Tune in to the discussions by thousands of balloon artists from around the world at

Search for balloon groups on social networks such as Facebook.  One that is currently very active and flooded with pictures to whet your appetite is the Qualatex Group on Facebook at .

While you are in Facebook, do drop by for a social call at my personal "timeline" .

And, I would love to have you learn about one of my commercial facets and "like" us at our business Facebook page,

My hope for you is that you will enjoy as many years, or maybe more, than I have of rapture with balloons.
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Thanks for joining me here on "Making It With Balloons"  Blog,
I remain your host,
Graham Rouse

"Making Things, Making Success & Making A Difference With Balloons"
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Copyright Graham Rouse / Rouse Technologies LLC  2012